Replica Hermes Kelly 28cm Shoulder Bags Purple Grainy Leather Silver Tl1572it96

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Each of our replica Hermes Handbags are created through an extensive manufacturing process. We include the brand logo, zippers, interior lining and materials, all of which are of the highest quality. Replica Hermes Handbags is the epitome of classic and timeless beauty, and the designer's passion for art and design can be seen in each Handbags displayed on our site. Stylish, colorful and functional, Replica Hermes Handbags are the perfect Handbags for you to store everyday essentials and wants while help you flaunt everyday style!

Replica Hermes Kelly 28cm Shoulder Bags Purple Grainy Leather Silver Tl1572it96


 Hermes Kelly 28cm Shoulder Bags Purple Grainy Leather Silver

- Grainy Leather
- Silver Palladium hardware 
- Lock,Key and Padlock
- Leather Strap
- 4 Silver Palladium feet at the base 
- Fully lined in leather with zipped pocket and 2 open pockets 
- All the hardware are marked "Hermes" and it is also stamped "Hermes, Paris, Made in France" under the front flap
Size: W28 x H22 x D9 cm (1" = 2.54cm)
Hermes Kelly Shoulder Bags Come with Hermes lock, keys, Hermes authenticity card, Hermes tags, Hermes dust bag and Hermes care booklet.

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